Sunday, January 25, 2009

Ring Liver Pudding

I've seen this sausage looking thing in the meat section for years now and curiosity finally drove me to purchase Ring Liver Pudding. I had no idea what it was other than some fairly typical pork parts type ingredients. I asked the cashier if she knew what it was. She didn't, and she had never seen anybody buy it.
I didn't take this as a good sign, still I had to find out. The internet was not a lot of help. Apparently those who make and eat Ring Liver Pudding keep their recipes on paper. I don't think they use the internet, I'm not even sure they use electricity.
It looks like a fat sausage so I cooked it like one, but it melted into a sick looking mush in the pan. Jennifer was grossed out and said it looked like "cat puke". I agreed it looked unappetizing but I spooned it onto a plate beside my eggs and had a go at it.
It tasted like a pork liver paste kind of thing. I had it at a second meal because I had bought a whole pound of this stuff and couldn't let it all go to waste. Again, the most troubling part was the appearance. I put it on toast this time and it was like a hot greasy braunschweiger sandwich which again tasted okay but looked like I had emptied a dirty diaper on some whole wheat.

Curiosity satiated, I'll let the rest go to waste.

Monday, January 19, 2009

After sledding down the hill this morning we went walking through the woods in our first few inches of snow.  We saw rabbit tracks and cat tracks and, of course, toddler tracks.  
Will sat down in the woods to rest and when he got up said "Look, my bottom print!"  He promptly plopped back down to make a new one.
I thought for a moment then decided - no, bottom prints don't make good pictures.  "Hey Will, do you know what a snow angle is?"
I showed him one, then he was all about the "angle prints".  He wanted to come back to the house to "show Mom how to make angle prints."

They made them together.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Frozen waterfall

A little over a half mile hike through the woods from our house gets you to a little waterfall.  The stream usually is not that large, but after wet weather and then a hard freeze it looks pretty neat.  It was 9 deg F today when we walked to the falls.

Will really enjoys hiking in the woods and this is the first time he's made it to the falls.  I think winter hiking is easier for him because all the padding softens all the falls and thorny vines.

He wanted to bring the ice home.  I told him we had plenty at home.  His sandbox cover has turned into a tiny skating rink .

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Christmas in TEXAS

How many of you went out to dinner the night after Christmas and saw a cowboy and his son at the table next to you wearing spurs?   

We had a great Christmas in the Lone Star State where temperatures on one day are around freezing and the next in the 70's.  I thought this was really Texan until I went to South Bend, Indiana and found they had almost the same thing!

We had great Mexican food in Texas.  Then I went to Lansing, Michigan and had a great dinner at a Mexican restaurant.  

I was beginning to wonder what was so special about Texas and I remembered... The Spurs!  

Go! Spurs! Go!

Sorry Fans

I got this email today.  Problem solved.

I got a little sad this morning when I was checking your DenVent blog and found no new entries since November 29!
You know, I'm one of your big fans. I check your blog regularly. It's one of my only sources for news and information in the world that I live in -- you just can't trust the left wing media you know and other blog sites are so twisted that they're agendas rule the blogospherre.  Your blog is always accurate, so it's all I read.
PS Happy New Year.