My mother, a regular contributor to the Chicken Soup the the Soul series, recently submitted a story about how she met my dad. I’ve heard various iterations of the story for the last 40 years so I thought I’d give my version.
My dad (who depending on the version, either dated anyone or couldn’t get a date at all) called a local sorority house looking for a date. My mom answered the phone. “Is Julie there?” She wasn’t. “Is Pattie there?” She wasn’t. “Is Sandy there?” No. “How about Kim...Becky...Susan?” None of them were home. My mom apparently was the only non-social member of the girls social society.
So my dad asked, “Do you want to go on a date?” My mom said, “Sure, why not.” So they met, found out each others names, went on a date, sat on a big anchor, and got married.
My mom’s version is much more Chicken Soup.