Thursday, May 28, 2009

7 Days of Waiting

I got a text message suggesting ways Jennifer could induce labor.

Jumping Jacks

Castor Oil

Liver Pudding

We are now 7 days past the due date and she still won’t have anything to do with the Liver Pudding. I tried to show her a picture of the package. (The one from the original Ring Liver Pudding post) I thought maybe just the image might have some effect. She saw through my plan and said before the picture materialized on the screen, “Is that the liver pudding? I don’t even want to see it. I know what it looks like, Dennis. Every time you mention it I see a pile of poop in a pan. Diarrhea in a pan. I don’t need to see a picture.” Still no baby.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

It's Mars, people, Mars!

My previous post seems to be mostly misunderstood.  I took Jennifer’s most recent ultrasound and photoshopped in the famous “face on Mars”.  I took a little while to make it look good.  But I’m afraid that may have been a wasted effort.

I think most folks who read this probably reacted like I would have, they just don’t care what an ultrasound picture shows.  Also, since most of us don’t see these things very often, it wasn’t as instantly recognizable as a fake as I’d hoped.

When I got ready to post the altered photo, I showed it to the proud mother who instantly recognized it for what it was, a doctored ultrasound with a picture of the face on Mars.  I guess my test subject was both too familiar with her baby and sci-fi movies about Mars.  I need to better align my focus groups with my target audience.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

10 Days and Counting

Lots of people like to show off the images from the ultrasound.  To me, the all look like pictures only a mother could love.  Jennifer had another ultrasound today, this one is different.  It's one any sci-fi fan could love! 
We haven't found out if it's a boy or a girl.  I'm going to post a Boy or Girl survey so we can find out what folks think we are having.

By the way, I do have the mother's approval for this post.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Elephant Pancakes

For years we've had these jungle print plates.  It only seemed right that the pancakes be appropriate for the setting.  I didn't think to take a picture of the the first pancake.  It was a great looking rhinoceros, or a bad attempt at the elephant.   The third elephant had a much better looking trunk but the body proportions were all wrong. (pictured on the griddle)

It was sure good to see our plates with the animals they deserve. 

Fortunately, we had new carpet installed last week so we found the long lost camera (just in time for the new baby).