Wednesday, February 25, 2009

A second helping of Liver Pudding

Just like the actual product, I had to go back to this story for more.

I asked the lady who stocks the meat department at the grocery store, "Do you sell much of that liver pudding?"  She says they sell a lot of it, but mostly to "the older people, they love it. They grew up with it, you know." 

I explained I had purchased some to find out what it is.  She says most of the folks put it on crackers or eat it in their scrambled eggs.  I was real close with the fried eggs on the first try an the toast on the second.

I guess I'm a natural when it comes to mysterious meat products.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Dangerous Book

Here is one of my favorite stories from the book my brothers and I just gave to our parents chronicling the events of our childhood.

How to Blow Stuff Up     


Step one: Find a container. 


a.   A yogurt cup is the best container for holding dangerous chemicals 

  i.  They usually come with a lid to keep everything safe    

  ii. They are not big enough to make things too dangerous, you're not going to do anything dangerous anyway. 

b. Paper cups tend to crush too easily and often don’t have lids 

c.  Styrofoam cups will melt when things like gas are put in them 


Step two:  Collect the explosives. 


a.   You can go around the house and find everything that says “Danger" or "Flammable” on it. Take a sample of it and put some in the cup. 

b.   You should include at least one whole or unwrapped firecracker or a disassembled rocket engine to make sure the device works.  

c.   Keep it dry. 

  i.  Be careful not to put too much stuff from a spray can in the mix.   

  ii.  It will cause the rocket engine to get wet and burn slower. 

  iii. Spray cans labeled “flammable” are often only flammable if you light them while you are spraying them out of the can. 

Step three:  Create a fuse. 

a.    Firecracker fuses don’t work well on this type of device, they only seem to be good for firecrackers.   

b.    Don’t use a firecracker to light your yogurt cup bomb, it will  just light the firecracker and blow all the other stuff all over. 

c.    String won’t work, unless it is the string you take out of a candle. So use a candle wick. 

d.   Once you have selected the perfect fuse, put the fuse into the cup.  Punch a hole in the lid or just take the lid off once the 

cup is where you’re going to light it. 



Step four: Find a safe place and blow it up. 


a.  Your room is not a good spot for this.         

b.  A dump site for demolished houses is a great location.  

   i.  It is out of site from adults  

   ii. It has plenty of junk to hide behind 

c.   Light the fuse and run to a safe distance of at least six feet. 

d.  Be careful when running away from the lit device because a construction dump may have lots of broken windows and boards with nails sticking out of them. 

e.  Watch in shock and awe as the rocket engine and firecrackers light off and the other junk slowly burns and melts the yogurt 



Friday, February 6, 2009

Why was Tony Dungy an Egg

Tonight while I was making dinner I heard Will ask from the living room, "Why was Tony Dungy an egg?"  What?  "Why was Tony Dungy an egg?"  I asked him what he was talking about but he simply repeated the same question.
I asked him where he saw Tony Dungy as an egg.  He replied "He fell off the wall and broke." 
"No, that's Humpty Dumpty."  
Turns out, I think it would have been easier to to explain why Tony Dungy was an egg.