Wednesday, May 20, 2009

It's Mars, people, Mars!

My previous post seems to be mostly misunderstood.  I took Jennifer’s most recent ultrasound and photoshopped in the famous “face on Mars”.  I took a little while to make it look good.  But I’m afraid that may have been a wasted effort.

I think most folks who read this probably reacted like I would have, they just don’t care what an ultrasound picture shows.  Also, since most of us don’t see these things very often, it wasn’t as instantly recognizable as a fake as I’d hoped.

When I got ready to post the altered photo, I showed it to the proud mother who instantly recognized it for what it was, a doctored ultrasound with a picture of the face on Mars.  I guess my test subject was both too familiar with her baby and sci-fi movies about Mars.  I need to better align my focus groups with my target audience.


Andy's World said...

I've always known Dennis to be somebody with a PhD or at least a Master's Degree in humor. However, this Mars/ultrasound thing didn't live up to his normal standard.If a joke from a posting is so bad that you have to leave another post just to explain it, then something's wrong.
Bring back Liver Puddin'!!

denVENT said...

I was busy photoshopping the Ring Liver Pudding into the ultrasound post when Jennifer walked in. She said, "No, I don't want liver pudding in an ultrasound picture. That's just gross!" She was very disgusted. I think it's very funny.

I saved the work but won't post it. Maybe email.