Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Katherine Lucia DeWitt

Tuesday June 2 at 8:28 am we were introduced to our daughter. She was 6 lbs 13 oz and 19 inches long. Jennifer is doing great and we had a great first day together. The baby is perfectly healthy and eating and sleeping well. She doesn't understand my need for her to say something funny so I can write about it in this blog, so for now I just have to brag that she is perfect.

God blessed us tremendously yesterday, I have no right to brag. But, I can't help but be a proud father of the beautiful baby girl we call Katy.


Thomas and Julia said...

I can't wait to hold her!! She is absolutely radiant, I'm proud of her and she's not even mine!!!!! Do you and Jen believe in arranged marriages? Just kidding, maybe...
We send our prayers and thoughts. See you Saturday:)

denVENT said...

Sorry Sammy, you're second in line. Asher's dad already made that move.

Maybe we could have an old fashioned duel.

Sam Rainer said...


denVENT said...

Thanks Sam. We hope all is well with you and Erin.

Unknown said...

Congratulations!! - from your long lost cousin Alisa (your brother hooked me up to this entertaining outlet). I look forward to meeting Katy and catching up sooner than later.

It is so great to see you are doing well. Take care.

denVENT said...

Thanks Alisa,
I didn't know this was another portal for finding long lost relatives. Great! We may be able to catch up sometime when I get to spend a day or two in your neck of the woods with work.