Monday, June 1, 2009

Labor and Delivery Room - The Wrath of Khan

We're waiting for the drugs to kick in and accelerate the birth of our child. To pass the time we just watched the movie Star Trek II - The Wrath of Khan. It's not a super great movie, but it led to a great title for this post.

We hope to have a new baby in the world by morning.


NoahVance said...

The Wrath of Khan is actually a great movie. Watch Star Trek V and tell me that II was not amazing.

denVENT said...

You're correct in the comparison to V, but a careful read reveals I said it was not a SUPER great movie. I'll stand by that statement. Also, I like all the references in the current STAR TREK that are from II.

The weird part was watching all the nurses look at us and think we're some kind of freaks who believed we were about to have an alien baby.