Wednesday, April 1, 2009

If Lance and Bear can do it..

These are the shoulder injuries of Lance Armstrong and Bear Grylls.  (I couldn't find any of Matt Lauer's shoulder, he must have more controlling PR people.)  Mine is not quite as bad but I'll try to get some pre and post op pictures.  Surgery next week.

Last September during the 6 day power outage I was simply riding down a hill very fast when I was no longer on the bicycle and entering the woods.  The ER treated the shoulder separation but not the road rash or the tree-impact lacerations, not sure why.  We managed to clean those up later that night by the light of oil lamps using water warmed outside on the gas grill.  The poison ivy didn't start until several days later.

I'm going to have a few new parts surgically inserted where ligaments used to be.  If you have any spare ligaments or tendons, let me know.  Otherwise they are coming from dead people - you never know where those connective tissues have been.

Six weeks in a sling leaves me one day to recover before our new baby's due date.  Plenty of time.

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